May, 2017

201706Mayallday07alldayFoldformed Jewelry2-Day Workshop Instructor: Janet Harriman

Event Details

May 6 – 7, Saturday and Sunday, 10-5pm each day

Class cost: $350.00 (+$25 additional materials fee)

Foldforming is a great way to explore metals. The workshop will be an intuitive journey with a hands-on approach. The following techniques will be included: annealing copper and sterling silver sheet metal, quenching, rolling the edges of thin metal, folding, hammering, forming, texturing and finishing. We will also cover patinas, using a microfold brake tool, modifying hammers, proper torch use and tool care.

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May 6 (Saturday) - 7 (Sunday)


OQZO Metalsmiths

1106 Woodgrove Way, Hillsborough, NC 27278



The Studio

Take a Class • Teach a Class • Open Studio Time Available

OQZO Metalsmith is located in the beautiful and quiet woods of Hillsborough, North Carolina and provides a well-lit, well-equipped studio enviroment perfect for teaching and creating handmade sterling silver jewelry.

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Website designed by Randall Elmo